Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mangsa Pertama. Dia Rock

Hello. Ini selingan. Selain dari memberi tips, I juga suka membantu orang orang perseorangan untuk kelihatan cantik menarik. Boleh boleh email sh.mirajamal[at]yahoo[dot]com untuk rundingan imej, dan kalau ada soalan pun boleh juga. 

Ini mangsa paling sulung berjaya I huru-harakan.

Rara Zuhrah

imej di atas adalah sebelum makeover.
* * *
seterusnya adalah selepas-selepas rundingan imej.

Jadi, terdetik tak niat untuk menambah keyakinan diri dengan teknik teknik betul menatarias rupa paras wajah dan tubuh? Hehehe.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Maaf Saya Memang Agak Lembab Orangnya. T_T

Hi all sorry for the entry delays it's hard to find good time to talk about fashion and tips. Im pretty busy lately but don't worryy, saya akan terus terus terus membantu cuma sila setia, anda tak rugi saya tak rugi, anda untung saya pun untung dapat kawan kawan yang lebih cantik selepas ni. =)

Maaf atas kelembapan dan kelewatan sesungguhnya I memang insan lemah yang masih tak ada masa untuk menaip kembali apa yang I dah ada dalam jurnal. haish. Stay tune yaaaaa! 


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Terima Kasih, Kawan Kawan!

wah wah wah feedback yang memang sungguh meriah gamat lagi memberansangkan. kalau macam ni, lagi lah suka I nak share all the tips yang I ada, dan yang paling penting, I promise that I'll continuously memberi dan memberi dan memberi lagi segala info dan ilmu ilmu penting dengan harapan dapat membantu semua semua yang ada masalah dalam membentuk personaliti diri. 

sorry that Im writing dengan bahasa yang sungguh rojak, i've found out menulis dalam satu bahasa saja adalah sangat membosankan. lagipun memang I nak berkomunikasi secara terus dengan wanita-wanita Malaysia, negara lain tak berapa faham tu boleh lah cuba untuk translatekan apa I tulis. =P

oh yes, kalau ada apa apa masalah dalam fashion ataupun masih tak tahu bagaimana harusnya penggayaan anda berdasarkan personaliti, bolehlah berhubung terus dengan saya di mirajamal[at]yahoo[dot]com (maaf terlalu banyak sangat spammers so terpaksa ambil inisiatif menulis begitu T_T)

last sekali, remember this" Jangan menyesal jika anda seorang perempuan, kerana menjadi perempuan adalah satu anugerah". tak percaya? ikut penulisan I, you will later on realize that I am super duper right about this. 

semoga anda lebih cantik, lebih yakin, lebih menarik hari ke hari!! =) 

Yang suka tengok orang cantik,
Mira Jamal dari PrettyHappyThings

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ten Ways To The Most Perfect Wardrobe.

Follow these steps, you'll have the wardrobe everyone's dying for =)

FIRST- Take out all stuffs you have in the closets, drawers, and sort them into categories (i.e jeans altogether with jeans, blouse with blouse and so on). Check if there's anything you haven't worn in last eighteen months and above, isolate them from stuffs you usually wear.
Those might be example of things you dont wear any longer;
a)Old fashion and outdated - they'll never come back into fashion exactly the way they were. People on the future will definitely alter the fashion to fit their time. If you find it hard to be apart from your not-so-into-fashion-anymore stuffs, store them in a box and label(in case you want to wear them later on you know which box they're in)
b)Those no-longer-fit-your-size stuffs - stop motivating yourself that someday you'll fit into them again. if it happen that someday you lost weight and gotten your shape back, your stuffs will be outdated or at least, the clothes are now faded and ugly-fugly looking
c)Things you mistakenly bought during sales - the reason you've bought them were actually because they look good on models.
d)They do not suit your current lifestyle any longer - Oh Please if you are 30 and you think that you are so cute-looking so that you wanna wear the schoolgirl/student types of clothes, take a full look of yourself in a mirror. you are seriously fooling yourself and hell yeah giving other people chances to make fun of you.
e)Wont do any good to your proportions - They makes you look flabby, or skinnier, and so on. (i'll definitely go through this on its special post)

SECOND - Get rid of the no-longer-needed stuffs from your place.
a) Sell them - you can always sell your worn clothes to the secondhand shops, or EBAY. don't be such a crybaby to part from your stuffs, you can always buy the better ones when you got them sold!
b) Giveaway - give them to people you seldom see so that you wont regret giving them up. (ah yes if you give them to people who are close to you you'll end up asking for your stuffs back as they look good on other people.
c) Store in different place - as i've mentioned earlier if you find it hard to be apart from your not-so-into-fashion-anymore stuffs, store them in a box and label(in case you want to wear them later on you know which box they're in)

THIRD - Now look at your wardrobe. It is near EMPTY. no no, don't ever think that you are no longer attractive with less clothes to wear, look at the bright side! You have such space to hang and keep cooler stuffs that'll brings out the NEW you.

FOURTH - The best way to keep your stuffs in the closet now is by sorting them into types of garments. Keep jackets together, trousers together, skirts together etc. It is easier then for you to mix n match them. You'll be surprised of thousands combinations you can make out of your few clothes.

FIFTH - Keep a diary for your wardrobe, darling! It must contains Date, What you'v worn, To Events/Occasions, Accessories you matched them with, and What you actually wish you'd wear. by doing so, you'll know what you have to buy later on and what been missing. and most important thing, it will ensure that you will never wear the same style to any two different events,ever! and yes, keeping photos is a great idea too.

SIXTH - Make sure you have the timeless types of clothes that will never date and suits everyone's lifestyles.
a) Jeans - This thing will never goes out of style. please please please buy yourself pairs and pairs of good jeans, it is good investment for you to think of
b) White and black shirts/Tees - they could be worn to any occasions and yeah, they mix everything that you have in your wardrobe
 c) Little Black Dress - can you believe that one piece of super plain black dress can turn into hundreds different looks if you know how to mix them with your accessories, shawls, hats, shoes, handbags?

SEVENTH - Be ready, as you are going to do some serious shopping for these must haves items!
a) two suits that can be mixed n matched (one neutral colored and one any color of your choice)
b) three different kind of tops (blouses,shirts,tees)
c) one two-piece dress (with the matching skirt and top)
d) one pair of neutral color trousers
e) one long cardigan
f) one sweater
try mixing each with one another you'll be amazed of new different styles you've brought up darling

EIGHTH - Fashion changes happen so quick that sometimes you wear stuffs off its season. don't make the same mistakes again, buy clothes at the beginning of the season. do not shop during sales, as they will be only leftovers of that particular season.
If you are living in season less country (YEAH MALAYSIA BOLEH),do your shopping at least once every three months. or if you happen to go abroad, find summer's collection.

NINTH - Dont waste your money on things you'd only wear once. (i.e for parties, weddings, proms) buy piece of chic clothes, style them with your stuffs to make it look stunningly elegant yet unequal. you can still wear them to other events(of course with different style remember to check on your diary). no wearing the same style to different occasion or you'll be ashamed of yourself as people would notice that you have nothing else to wear.

Finally, the TENTH - Keep up with fashion, and you wont be the left out ones by putting the so-last-season-thing on your human frame. it is not necessary to buy new stuffs, a little alteration on your clothes will definitely
keep them updated.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Wardrobe Invasion!! / Ceroboh Almari Pakaian!!

This is the most important thing to do before you could change your look. Let's invade your very OWN wardrobe to ensure that you'll soon have the most up-to-date closets, and stay stay stay, we'll help you to organize them step-by-step. 


p/s: long live wardrobe invaders!! =)


Perkara yang paling penting sebelum anda merubah rupa luaran anda adalah dengan membuat sedikit 'pencerobohan' ke atas almari pakaian anda! Kami akan memastikan anda mempunyai almari pakaian yang mengikut peredaran semasa tidak lama lagi. Terus setia bersama kami, bantuan dan tips akan kami kongsi untuk anda mengubahsuai cara penyusunan pakaian dan aksesori anda, langkah demi langkah.


p/s: hidup penceroboh almari semua!! =)